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Decals Decals
SLOTCAR FEVER Will be sold in 2 parts
PART 1> SlotCar fever           which will include ALL SCF Decals  previously printed and 3076 templates for future printing.1 - Uninet iColor 560 printer with toner. 1 - HP Laptop used for printing decals and shipping. 2 - Dymo postage printers, a Labelwriter 4XL & a Labelwriter Twin Turbo w/shipping suppies. SCF and eBay websites so you are ready to go and makingmoney on day one! Also, our customer list.PART 2> Racing Reproductions which includes all plastic, LEXAN resin, diecast and any other type of slot car body material in our inventory.  2 - Dymo postage printers, a Labelwriter 4XL & a Labelwriter 450 Turbo printer for shipping.
Taking Offers For One or Both Busimesses
eMail Roger Owens at reomn21@gmail.com